The turnout was impressive and I got to reconnect with some amazing people. The Satellite reunion was the most exciting as I grew up with all of them and loved hearing about what they were up to. They are all still overachievers!

The girls who put it together dug out scrapbooks with pictures of us when we were little, old video footage, yearbooks, and they even made a scrapbook with all of our updates and recent pictures so we could read up on the folks who didn't make it to the reunion. Kelly and Heather are the rockstars that organized the whole thing....

Our teacher from 4th and 6th grade, Mrs. B, showed up as well and she's just as elegant and kind as ever. To this day, Mrs. B has been the best teacher I have ever known, and taught me more in grade school than I ever got from high school or college.

Two of my BEST FRIENDS were Sarah P from grade school, and Kimmy P all through Junior High. I had tried to find them both, so to reconnect with each of them made the whole trip worth it. Aren't they beautiful?

And who could forget some of these handsome faces?

Overall, the whole weekend was incredible. Seeing old friends was wonderful, and even better to resume old friendships that have weathered the storm of time.