Thursday, May 22, 2008

Damn this 18 mile run

I tried to run 18 miles on my own this past Monday(operative word being "tried"). First, let me mention it's been extraordinarily hot in Los Angeles. Much hotter than usual. Knowing that, I got up at 6am and was running by 7am. The first 8 or so miles was fine, but being a Monday morning, there was a lot more traffic than when we do group runs. Buses blowing exhaust in my face, cars whizzing by, dirt getting in my eyes and sticking to my skin.....all things that make running MUCH more difficult. I was wearing sunblock, but even waterproof sunblock melts off after a few hours of running. So 12.5 miles later, exhausted, sunburned, and melting, I finished my run. I'm bummed that I didn't complete the 18 miles I set out to do, but I will be trying again. Have no doubt.

Strangely enough, I got chased by a couple of birds while starting my 8th mile. I noticed a couple of birds diving dangerously close to me. I didn't think too much of it until one flew over me and started descending like he was gonna land on my head. I ducked down, and he kept coming, so I took off. Then I noticed the second bird, and THAT one did the same thing! Psycho birds!! I wasn't anywhere near any trees where a nest or anything would be, but they must have felt I was too close to their nest because they straight up CHASED me!! I had to throw a few rocks at them to keep them from landing on me! Damn. I have the weirdest things happen when I go running.